Core Strength VS. Stability
Do you know the difference between the two?
The core is quite possibly the most overlooked and yet most important area of the body to exercise. Without a stable and strong core you are unable to transfer the power of the legs and arms in an integrated way that allows you to generate your full potential in all aspects of daily living.
What’s Core Stability
Core stability is commonly defined incorrectly, and what most people believe as core stability is essentially core strength. So, what exactly is the difference between core stability and core strength?
Simply put, your core stability muscles need to be working at all times, although you may not be aware of having to engage them. They are mainly deep stabilizing muscles that work together to create stability (multifidus and Transverse abdominals). Although there are some ‘bracing’ strategies you can use to amplify the engagement of these muscles, it is possible to have these muscles not working correctly. As a result, the risk factor of injuring your lower back in the future is greatly increased. It is possible to re-train these stabilizing muscles, but the exercises are far from traditional abdominal exercise and can be difficult as most of the exercises require moving muscle that you can’t see.
what’s Core Strength?
Core strength is what most people think core stability is. Core strength is your ability to move something. For example, any type of rotation or picking something up from the floor. If you’re core stability muscles are working correctly then doing core strengthening exercises are simple because the back muscles are stable. If one has weak core stability muscles they may feel a tightness, stiffness, or pain in their lower back as they conduct abdominal strength exercises. Why? The answer is simple, a lack of stability. Want to know more, simply contact us and We’ll ll be happy to help.